Thursday, December 29, 2011

Just because.....a few projects and a few before/afters........

Sad but beautiful frame with potential (found at Goodwill)

I painted it off~white, glazed it and then added my friend's kitchen fabric behind it. I wrapped a "b" in twine and glued it on....and there you go!
 I did this project a while back. I bought this white board with these clips at the resale store and never could quite get an idea of what to do with it or what to use it for! I tried just stickers on it, with the boy's names. I thought we could post their chores on it but that didn't work.....of course. :) So....I saw this project on the Shanty girls site and knew this could possibly look like I took off the clips, covered it with burlap, added numbers, painted the clips.....
 then added ribbon and sweet pics of my boys. Wow.....much better. :) Thanks, as always, to the Shanty girls for their inspiration!!
Another very simple project.....the one below. Take a block of wood, paint it, add some vinyl and a drawer handle at the top...and some ribbon....and there you sis loved it!

Last but not least, the "anniversary" pillow I made my BFF in Kentucky. Though VERY imperfect and my very FIRST pillow of this type, it looked pretty good, but more importantly...she loved it! 
Thanks for letting me share......more posts and our plans for 2012 soon!!!

$55.00 or around $3.00????

I have been meaning to post this for awhile and keep forgetting!  UGH! Anyway.....when I was out of town for Thanksgiving (shout-out to my hometown of Memphis), I saw the CUTEST frame! I was instantly in love...until I saw the price tag......see it??? $55.00?? $74.00??? No way. Of course, the first thing I thought....make it Niki! :)

So, I grabbed one of those $1.00 wooden frames at Michaels. I actually had one around that I had already painted, but if you don't...just grab one and paint it...any color you want.
Then I bought a sheet of moss from the dollar tree. I turned the frame upside down and traced around it on the moss. It is MESSY so be aware!! Then I cut it out and glued it down with hot glue to the frame.

Next, I grabbed some burlap-y ribbon (that I already had),made a bow out of it, and wah-la!!! (Is that a word?) A copycat frame for around $3.00 instead of $55.00....or $74.00! I love it! I gave one away as a Christmas present and I have everything to make a few more.....yay! Whatcha think? Almost as good as the original!!  Good luck!!

I am partying here

beneath my heart

Positively Splendid

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The week after Christmas

Well.....this week is usually kind of a let-down for me. I LOVE the time I spend with my is great to have all the kiddos home....but I hate to wait until NEXT YEAR for Christmas again. :( I DO love to have everything back in it's place (whatever that means) and everything looking neat and decluttered. :) Those that REALLY know me, KNOW it doesn't stay that way for long, but it is still nice to enjoy it if even for a few hours.

I have plans for 2012....goals I should that was actually mentioned to me by my son....and one I want to take part in. Plus, I have the usual goals of getting back to working out and getting more organized.   Happy New Year to everyone!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Coffee bags as chair covers......

I think this will be my last post with Christmas decor. :) Maybe. :) I was thinking it might be cute to use my coffee bags as chair covers. :) I KNOW my boys and hubby are going to complain....."they are scratchy", " itches me", etc. but I am going to try and see if we can keep it for awhile. Anyway.

So....I grabbed one and put it on the back of the chair. Here is a pic of the chair just plain. :)
The first thing you do is add the coffee sack. :) Then I cut a piece of black burlap and tied it around the chair.

 Then I added some "faux" greenery. I then hot glued a red ornament and a bright silver bell and there you go...I love it!!! It goes great with the centerpiece on the table! The stem is sorta "hung" over the back  of the chair.....I will probably cut it off.

 Not sure why this pic is blurry. Sorry.

All done! I love it!

Now how long will they last before the boys make me take them off???? :)

Linking to this party.......

shabby creek cottage

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Linky Party

Partying tonight at The Inspired Room...go check it out!

shabby creek cottageLinking here too.

A few more Christmas pics.....

 An old bucket I found at Goodwill...added twine and the word "PEAVE" and stuck some fresh greenery in it. Not sure why I didn't get the greenery in the picture.
 Love these snowflakes. I bought these at Target on clearance a couple of years ago and loved them this way! I didn't do lights or greenery on the stair rails this year.....trying to keep it simple.
I "picked" this big Santa at my Christmas swap! I LOVE him! Everyone brings their "Christmas junk", or stuff they don't want, and we trade! I love him......I think I am going to change his gold lame disco bag to burlap. :)

That's it....not much to add but I do hope to post a tutorial for this CUTE frame below later!!

See it...cuteness, huuh??? Hope you are having a great weekend!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

YAY....My headboard (old door) is up!!!

I finally.....I mean Mr. Knick-Knack Paddywack....... hung my headboard up! Yay! I big-fat-puffy-heart love it! Now if I can get new flooring in there.....umm..I regress. :)

The door just waiting to be hung.

Mr. KKP decided to put a board up to anchor it and then just bolt the door to the wall. There is another way but this was the easiest for him. In other words, it was late and he didn't have to pull out as many tools!

Then he just bolted it right into the wall.....after a quick trip to Home Depot to get LONGER bolts. Thanks honey. :)

And here she is.....LOVE it. Hope to get up all my Christmas decor pics and link to some parties later!! I also have a frame tutorial as well!  Thanks for stopping by.

Partying here~

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

Friday, December 9, 2011

My mantel and other Christmas decor

Wow...this blogging thing definitely takes time! Whew! I hope I can get the hang of it soon enough! But I wanted to post some pics and link up to a few here I go.

Here is a shot of the mantle. I am still working on my camera speed and the lighting. get the idea. I just used a piece of tin I had that Rhett framed out for me and put the PEACE letters on it. YOu might remember it from fall, where I had the letters FALL there for awhile! :) Easy Peasy to just change the letters with the season.

 I used live greenery on the mantle. I went to Home Depot to purchase some and they let me have all their tree cuttings for free. Thanks Home Depot. I added some lights, and then the little chalkboard and filled my  "black wirey thingie" with red glitter ornaments and changed the candle out too. The ornaments in the greenery are a few I have left from my grandma's stash....these are the only ones that have not been broken. :) They are a treasure to me. I LOVE my "believe" banner. I used red burlap then cut it into triangles and stamped the letters with white acrylic paint.

This is the shelves in my kitchen. I LOVE white dishes! I just added the greenery and a touch of silver and red here and there and called it a day. This too, is easy to change with the seasons. I had pumpkins in the dishes for fall.

Kitchen Table Centerpiece

This was easy. Anything silver and sparkly I threw in a punch bowl I bought at the Goodwill and then hung some candy canes on the side.

An old door is propped against the wall with my chalkboard. I hung a wreath i bought a LONG time ago from Pottery Barn on the handle and then put up our favorite advent calendar. MY husband's mom made it for us before she passed away and we treasure it.....the detail in it is amazing. Truly an act of love.

A few more pictures loaded with Christmas!!! Hope your holiday is wonderful!!! I better get back to wrapping and cleaning up....I am never done cleaning up! Thanks for stopping by!

Linking to these parties:

holiday open house button