Thursday, August 23, 2012

One more..........

OK. One more project. I have been meaning to do this sign for awhile when I pinned it long ago.Thanks to the for the inspiration!!!

So.....I whipped out some board my hubby had leftover from cutting my ETSY shop signs, put some paint on it from a $2.00 can of OOPS paint, and then painted J-O-Y with a red acrylic paint. I also put some poly on it to seal it.....and ta-dah!!

So nice to finally DO some projects I pinned! Thanks to the CSI project for the kick-in-the-pants!!

UPDATE (8-25-12): This little design actually for "picked" on the CSI project! I put my new cute button on the sidebar! I am so excited!!

Theirs on left.....mine on right.
The next thing on my list........a sign in black with orange B-O-O letters!! Head over to the CSI blog and take a look at all the great entries!!


Pinterest~inspired project

I FINALLY got around to doing another Pinterest project. THE CSI project (link below) was my inspiration to finally finish a few thing and start another.....which I hope to post later.

I loved these placemats and loved them in burlap but I found these at the DOLLAR TREE and loved the green edges. I grabbed my stamps and paint, and there you go......quick project that adds some color to our kitchen table.

Theirs on left. Mine on right.

That is it. :) I have been so OUT of it as far as posting. Hope when school starts I will be around again. :)

Linking up here.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

This is what I have been up to...........

Wow. Absentee blogger. I have been working on ETSY orders and it has kept me CRAZY busy.....which is a huge blessing. Once the boys get in school I hope to get back to some "regular" crafting! Meanwhile....enjoy the rest of your summer. We still have three weeks off! YIPPEE!!!