Sunday, January 15, 2012

Another before and after.......and my "beach" wall

I have been meaning to post this pic for awhile and keep forgetting...story of my life! Does anyone else "forget" as much as I do? :)  I bought this awesome little table from a garage sale last summer for $4.00! $4.00!!! I moved it to the  side as I continued to shop and people continually wanted it....the lady in charge kept having to turn them away from MY was MINE! OK. Sorry. Anyway...she told me they used to have it in their ANTIQUE SHOP and it was from the 1930's or 40's I believe....anyway, I loved it. I knew paint could fix this baby right up!

So....I painted away and then I sanded. And here it is....this was taken at Christmas, hence the lights. :) And please ignore the dust/particles of whatever under it. This is my reality folks. If I try to take pics when all is perfect, I will never get a picture taken. :)  Anyway, I love it!

And while I am at it, I wanted to show you my BEACH wall, which is where this table sits now. In the picture, I have a bench I LOVE under the pics but have since moved it to the foot of my bed. :) I am sure at one point it will be here again. :)
We have had beach pics made with the boys every year since they were born....minus two or three for family things/emergencies/issues. I treasure these. To see how my family, and how my boys have grown, blesses me every day just passing by it. These photos used to be upstairs and I didn't get to enjoy them near as much. Much to Mr. KKP's dismay, I moved them...again. :)

One more item I purchased at that garage sale......this baby........lovely, huh?

She will be once I am finished. :) Stay to continue celebrating with my middle son who is 14 today. I will post the memorization verse for this week later. ~Hugs~

Linking to this party..............................Positively Splendid


  1. How much did you pay for the chair? Love it!

  2. i think 10.00 sis....can't remember...isn't it going to be beautiful once she gets all "dressed" up?? :)

  3. Hi Niki, I love what you did with the table. Well done and I also like the chair you are planning on refinishing. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  4. Thanks for your sweet comment! :) I am now a follower of your blog as it and the mention of your boys. I have three sons too and I know the time will fly and they will be married and our of the house like yours. :( I hope not too fast. Thanks for visiting and I look forward to seeing you here and on your blog often! :)
