Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Well, 2012 is here...already. I can't believe it. Of course, it always feels like the new year arrives too soon and the past year flies by too quickly. I told Preston tonight I wish sometimes I could stop time and that he and his brothers would not grow up. :) I want to keep my babies right here in my nest but I know that is not what God intends. I am to raise them to love Him and to glorify Him so that one day when they leave this nest they will seek Him first and live their life for Him. :) But I would love for them to stay right here that wrong? :) We had such a great holiday...just hanging out as a family. Mom was here and that was an added bonus.....even more fun.

With the new year starting, I of course began to think of GOALS (not resolutions) for the upcoming year. My oldest son came up with a great one! Awhile back he talked about learning a new Bible verse every week of this year. I thought it was a great idea and told him I was definitely on board! So...with that, the Blake family will be learning a new verse every week. 52 verses. Awesome. (He later told me that he thought he might do a verse every 3 or 4 weeks...oops.)

We thought about starting with John 3:16. I googled a few things and found that this verse is the most sought out verse on the internet. Sounds like a great place to start...but everyone already knew this one. Yay! studying some notes I had taken this year, and looking in my own Bible and searching a bit online, I think we came up with 52 verses that will serve us very well! So with that, we are off! Hope you will come along for the ride and memorize with us!   The first verse?

Romans 8:18 (New Living Translation)
Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later. 


  1. We are on board! We have started a daily devotion as a family. We have scriptures with the devotion. I am torn now. Should we move forward with your verses, both, or one or the other? Hmmm...good problem to have. I will think about it ASAP and pray about it. It might be a wonderful way for our entire family to learn new scriptures. Love you!

  2. Great idea! I found your blog via a post Ondrea put on facebook. Glad to have found you!


  3. Thank you Kristine! So glad to have you here!! i LOVE Ondrea!!

  4. Aunt Niki,

    I have never seen your blog before. Mom just showed me it. It is so cute! I love it! I just have one question. Where did you get the idea of the name Knick Knack Paddywack? I like the name. It is really cute!



  5. Aunt Niki,
    I meant to end my comment the way I have it listed below.

  6. So happy you found me!!!! Happier I found YOU!!!
