Sunday, February 5, 2012

Valentine's mantel and how-to's

Me again.......Wanted to get my valentine mantel posted before all the crazy Super Bowl shenanigans get started today! Are you guys as excited to see all the cool commercials? That is what I like the best!

I bought some clearance red beads from Target and some red and white paper-chain stuff that I knew I could use for Valentine's day. So I put that up first, then I bought some felt heart ornaments at Target that I knew I would use too.

So I cut the tags off and then stuck some glitter letters on them.

Then I strung them on twine and hung them up with the clearance beads and paper chain. Then I remembered I had these clearance patio lights I bought awhile back and decided to do something I had seen done around Christmas.....I can't remember where I saw it, probably on Pinterest, but I decided to copy it.

I cut the blue and green color thingies on them off first. Then I punched a hole in the bottom of some red and white cups I bought on the dollar row at Christmas (and never used). I strung the light through and then added that little protective cover thingie back on to hold the cup in place.

I tried the "cup" lights on the mantel but no one liked it...including me. :) So I thought....why not put them in the fireplace with my wicker balls (that I painted white)? I LOVE it! And it looks so good at night! Here is the finished product........(WARNING: Picture overload).

 Whoops.....don't mind the red duct tape. :)

Have a wonderful Super Bowl Day!!

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  1. What a fun idea! I love your valentine's day banner! Thanks for the inspiration.


    1. Thank you karianne! Your blog is THE BOMB! Beautiful everything! :)
